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Story in English

The lost daughter

the lost daughter

the lost daughter
the lost daughter
Once, in the sun-kissed embrace of a Greek island, there existed a woman named Leda Caruso. She was a middle-aged university professor, her life woven with the threads of academia and the quiet solitude of translation. But beneath her composed exterior lay a tapestry of memories—some tender, others haunting.

Leda had two daughters, Bianca and Martha, who had long flown the nest. They now resided with their father in Canada, leaving Leda to grapple with the echoes of their laughter and the emptiness of their absence. Her days were filled with books, lectures, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Yet, as the sun dipped into the Aegean Sea each evening, she felt the weight of solitude settle upon her shoulders.

One fateful day, during a languid seaside vacation, Leda’s world tilted. She met Nina, a young mother whose life seemed both fragile and chaotic. Nina’s three-year-old daughter, Elena, vanished momentarily on the beach, and panic etched lines on Nina’s face. Leda, with her maternal instincts awakened, found Elena and returned her to her mother. But in that fleeting moment, Leda glimpsed something more—a reflection of her own past.

Elena clung to a beloved doll, her tear-streaked face mirroring Leda’s memories. For Leda, too, had been a young mother once—impatient, overwhelmed, and often lost in the labyrinth of her emotions. She had struggled to balance motherhood with her scholarly pursuits, her patience fraying at the edges. The weight of responsibility had sometimes crushed her spirit, and she had withdrawn into her own world.

As the days unfolded, Leda observed Nina’s life—the affair with Will, the controlling husband named Toni, and the relentless search for Elena’s lost doll. The doll, a silent witness to secrets, rested in Leda’s possession. She had taken it, perhaps as a talisman of shared motherhood, or maybe to bridge the gap between her past and Nina’s present.

Lyle, the caretaker of Leda’s holiday apartment, noticed the doll but remained silent. He, too, carried his own burdens, hidden beneath the sun-kissed facade of the island. Leda’s heart ached as she watched Nina’s exhaustion deepen, her unhappiness etched into every line on her face.

One evening, over dinner, Leda confessed to Lyle. She spoke of her daughters, the years of abandonment, and the affair that had torn her family apart. Lyle listened, his eyes kind, and Leda wondered if he saw beyond her words—the ache of a lost daughter, the guilt that clung to her like salt on her skin.

And so, Leda wandered the sun-drenched streets, her footsteps echoing with memories. She bought Nina a hatpin, a small offering to hold her sunhat in place. But it was more—a bridge between two women, two mothers, both grappling with their pasts.

As the search for Elena’s doll continued, Leda’s heart unraveled. She yearned to tell Nina the truth, to confess her own sins. But the doll remained silent, its stitched eyes watching over them. And in those quiet moments, Leda wondered if redemption lay in the spaces between stolen moments and lost innocence.

The Lost Daughter—a title that clung to Leda like saltwater—became her truth. She sought solace in the waves, whispered apologies to the wind, and hoped that Elena’s laughter would drown out her regrets.

In the end, Leda realized that motherhood was a tapestry of love and mistakes, woven with threads of longing. As the sun dipped into the horizon, she stood on the beach, the doll cradled in her arms. And there, where the sea met the sky, she whispered to the wind, “Forgive me, my lost daughter.”

And perhaps, just perhaps, Elena heard her, carried on the breeze, as the waves whispered secrets to the sand.

In memory of all the lost daughters, and the mothers who carry their stories. 


The stories presented in this collection, whether in Hindi or English, are works of fiction created solely for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to real events, persons, or places is purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed in these stories belong to the fictional characters and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author. Readers are advised to use their discretion while reading and to interpret the content within the context of storytelling.


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